Extinct API

This API provides animals that are known to have become extinct in the last 11.650 years(Holocene). Data was gathered by scraping this Wikipedia page and each animal's page individually. You can view scraper and API code on this repo.

Few stats:

○ 804 animals in total

○ 220 are without image

○ 6 are without description and their own Wiki page

○ 30 are without common name

○ they all have binomial name

Method: GET


Returns one random animal.

Optional parameter:

&imageRequired={true/false} // default is true

Method: GET


Returns specified number of animals, accepts from 1 to 804.

API is hosted on Heroku and goes to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity, so it might take some time the first time you call it.

Example response

  status: "success",
  data: [
      binomialName: "Chaetoptila angustipluma",
      commonName: "Kioea",
      location: "Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui, Hawaii, United States",
      wikiLink: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kioea",
      lastRecord: "1859",
      imageSrc: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Chaetoptila_angustipluma.jpg/220px-Chaetoptila_angustipluma.jpg",
      shortDesc: "The kioea (Chaetoptila angustipluma) was a endemic Hawaiian bird that became extinct around the mid-19th century."